In response to the racist and outrageous University of Minnesota campaign to raise awareness of "white privilege" I give you the following responses.
Of course these are just stock photos of ordinary people demonstrating facial expressions. But it is so easy to characterize, incorrectly I might add, anything about people...they will constantly surprise you. Liberals want you to fit into their tiny definitions and it's why they ultimately will lose because of Hispanic votes. Conservatives see the long game.
Bread and Circuses for America™: documenting the decline of American known as Obama's Fundamental Transformation and her recovery, Trump's Great Awakening.
26 June 2012
25 June 2012
SCOTUS Arizona Decision makes George Zimmerman an Archetype
You can no longer protect yourself and your community with a Neighborhood Watch. Yep, that's right. You've got all your neighbors together; you're all in agreement. Too many break-in's and too many creepers in the area are no longer reason enough to band together and work to help law enforcement catch criminals.
Under the banner of freedom, we're witnessing the erosion of sovereignty. With the Supreme Court's decision which ultimately places federal jurisdiction over... well, everything... there are no longer states, or international borders for our home of the brave. That's right, the melting pot has reached a boiling point where the pot itself has liquefied and the whole mess is falling into the fire.
It seems to me that those in the federal pantheon seem to forget that it is from the states they derive their authority...and the relationship has gone from uncooperative to antagonistic. By undermining the very foundation of federalism, SCOTUS has invited termites into the foundation.
No. I will work to provide for me and my kin and I will fight to protect the life we build. That is what made this country great, and I'll be damned if I'm letting it go without a fight.
Why not?
Because you are encroaching on government's rule to protect you.
That's right.
We now are living with federal supremacists. Kind of like those guys in the hoods or the white power bandits or the black power panderers except their extremism based on a combination of theft and enslavement.
So if you're Arizona and you spot a thug up to no good in your neck of the woods, be sure not to chase him down and demand to know why he's there...that's the police's job...and if you stand your ground, even when the cops fail to come, you're in the wrong.
I fully anticipate that Arizona and all her sisters will develop some improved residency requirements...and if your credentials don't get you in the gated community, you'll be escorted off the a state of sanctuary.
Unchecked illegal immigration is as destructive as any natural disaster, but a hurricane doesn't vote.
Will state troopers no longer be able to give tickets to speeders on interstate highways?
Will state taxes go away because federal tax supersedes the states' ability to tax?
Will town councils be superseded by the county in which they reside?
Until we return to individual responsibility, sovereignty will continue to disappear. It won't be long before you cannot have a firearm to protect your home...your castle...because you see it's someone else's responsibility and you're just going to have to wait for the government to decide when it will respond to your needs. You must wait your turn. You must eat your peas. You must endure the break-in. You must ignore the creepy van.
09 June 2012
Deviancy is the new Alcoholism
A great deal of time and scientific research has gone into discovering how people become alcoholics. Some folks may have a genetic predisposition, or maybe they grew up in a household where binge drinking was commonplace and it's how they learned to cope with life's problems. Or maybe they just gave in to something they knew was unhealthy for them long-term in trade for a short-term joyride.
In general, the American center perceives alcoholism and a negative thing. Governments have pushed hard on the greater vices of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. In general we pity those who find themselves wrecked because of vices and celebrate when they overcome their dependency on alcohol.
Recovering addicts know that the first step to getting better is to recognize they have a problem..then seek help. Support groups, medication, doctor supervision, even a chip in the pocket as a reminder to stay strong...these are methods that folks use to overcome drug and alcohol addiction. They celebrate the hours they've stayed strong...appreciate the life they've regained.
And then there's sex.
Our liberal friends would like everyone to believe there is no such thing a deviancy. Well, have a look around at what has worked in nature since the dawn of time...and then everything else.
America has moved into a spiritually dangerous territory. Let me prove that by demonstrating how the paragraph on alcoholics above changes in tone when replaced by accepted, previously antisocial behavior.
A great deal of time and scientific research has gone into discovering how people become sexual deviants. Some folks may have a genetic predisposition, or maybe they grew up in a household where unnatural behavior was commonplace and it's how they learned to cope with life's problems. Or maybe they just gave in to something they knew was unhealthy for them long-term in trade for a short-term joyride.
In general, the American center perceives non-traditional relationships as a negative thing. Governments have pushed hard on the greater vices of homosexuality, prostitution, nudism, animal abuse, and other rough-trade. In general we pity those who find themselves wrecked because of vices and celebrate when they overcome their self-destructive behavior.
Recovering sex abusers & addicts know that the first step to getting better is to recognize they have a problem..then seek help. Support groups, medication, doctor supervision, even a chip in the pocket as a reminder to stay strong...these are methods that folks use to overcome unnatural sex addiction. They celebrate the hours they've stayed strong...appreciate the life they've regained.
How can you be gay and proud...really. It's a sad thing. And repeating that something is okay until you believe it...doesn't make it so. Ask any gambler with a problem. Need absolution and can't get it? Maybe Absolut will do (for a while.)
God put us on this earth to learn and grow and evolve. What needs to happen is not an evolution of thinking about what's acceptable, but how we should be working hard every day to improve ourselves no matter what our mental and physical challenges are. If gay sex behavior is your vice...then like any other vice you have to accept that it's part of your personality...whatever the reason. But you don't have to give in to it any more than an alcoholic has to have that next shot of ripple. BEING gay is not the problem...but why would you let someone else define you...tell you what that to behave... BEING gay does not have to be a liability or a disability. It can be set aside as any other can find a mate and enjoy your own children, one of the greatest blessings of this life. And maybe just maybe you will figure out that you overcame it and you are better off for it. Or. You can give in to your 'alcoholism' and inherit shame.

What you do behind closed doors is your business...not mine...but when you bring it out in the yard, I reserve the right to get the hose.
In general, the American center perceives alcoholism and a negative thing. Governments have pushed hard on the greater vices of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. In general we pity those who find themselves wrecked because of vices and celebrate when they overcome their dependency on alcohol.
Recovering addicts know that the first step to getting better is to recognize they have a problem..then seek help. Support groups, medication, doctor supervision, even a chip in the pocket as a reminder to stay strong...these are methods that folks use to overcome drug and alcohol addiction. They celebrate the hours they've stayed strong...appreciate the life they've regained.
And then there's sex.
Our liberal friends would like everyone to believe there is no such thing a deviancy. Well, have a look around at what has worked in nature since the dawn of time...and then everything else.
America has moved into a spiritually dangerous territory. Let me prove that by demonstrating how the paragraph on alcoholics above changes in tone when replaced by accepted, previously antisocial behavior.
In general, the American center perceives non-traditional relationships as a negative thing. Governments have pushed hard on the greater vices of homosexuality, prostitution, nudism, animal abuse, and other rough-trade. In general we pity those who find themselves wrecked because of vices and celebrate when they overcome their self-destructive behavior.
Recovering sex abusers & addicts know that the first step to getting better is to recognize they have a problem..then seek help. Support groups, medication, doctor supervision, even a chip in the pocket as a reminder to stay strong...these are methods that folks use to overcome unnatural sex addiction. They celebrate the hours they've stayed strong...appreciate the life they've regained.
How can you be gay and proud...really. It's a sad thing. And repeating that something is okay until you believe it...doesn't make it so. Ask any gambler with a problem. Need absolution and can't get it? Maybe Absolut will do (for a while.)
God put us on this earth to learn and grow and evolve. What needs to happen is not an evolution of thinking about what's acceptable, but how we should be working hard every day to improve ourselves no matter what our mental and physical challenges are. If gay sex behavior is your vice...then like any other vice you have to accept that it's part of your personality...whatever the reason. But you don't have to give in to it any more than an alcoholic has to have that next shot of ripple. BEING gay is not the problem...but why would you let someone else define you...tell you what that to behave... BEING gay does not have to be a liability or a disability. It can be set aside as any other can find a mate and enjoy your own children, one of the greatest blessings of this life. And maybe just maybe you will figure out that you overcame it and you are better off for it. Or. You can give in to your 'alcoholism' and inherit shame.
What you do behind closed doors is your business...not mine...but when you bring it out in the yard, I reserve the right to get the hose.
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