2/21/11 6:03 PM TRANSPARENCY: U.S. Gov't Software Creates 'Fake People' to Spread Message via Social Networki…: TRANSPARENCY: ... http://bit.ly/eryldg |
Bread and Circuses for America™: documenting the decline of American known as Obama's Fundamental Transformation and her recovery, Trump's Great Awakening.
22 February 2011
OFA - Organizing For AssTroturf: Democrats create fake people to deliver false consensus in new media
18 February 2011
UN Vote on Israel Puts US in a Bind - Wall Street Journal
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UN Vote on Israel Puts US in a Bind - Wall Street Journal
DAWN.com | UN Vote on Israel Puts US in a Bind Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON—The Palestinian leadership is expected to submit to the United Nations Security Council as early as Friday a resolution calling Israeli settlement activity "illegal," a move that would likely trigger the first Obama ... Hamas sees opportunity in change in EgyptLos Angeles Times UN set to vote on settlement resolution; US set to vetoHa'aretz Clinton Silent on U.S. Plan to Join U.N. Condemnation of IsraelFox News Telegraph.co.uk -CNN - |
Netherlands burns off Picasso painting by sending it to war zone
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West Bank Palestinians get rare chance to see Picasso
Palestinian art lovers are to get a rare chance to view a Picasso painting on loan from a museum in the Netherlands.07 February 2011
Update on Federal Gun Magazine Ban Scheme
Lawless? AntiConstititional? Failure to Execute the Oath of Office? unAble to be anything other than illegal?
Osiris moves against the People stealthily.
Osiris moves against the People stealthily.
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